Our competition series started in May, which consists of 4 rounds (if you missed the first round, you don't have to worry, you can join at any time)
1st Round: May 3-5. (Comp wall)
2nd Round: July 19-21. (Inflection)
3. Round: Coming soon
4. Round: Coming soon
In each round, the 10 hardest boulders will count towards the scoring. Everyone has 3 hours and 45 minutes to complete the boulders. Climbing is in groups and requires pre-registration.
Adult categories
Child categories
Female and male results are evaluated separately in each category.
Entries are made separately for each round, but it is worth registering for all four rounds so that you can gain as much experience as possible and get a free t-shirt. Details can be found under our Facebook event.
Awards and Results
At the end of the championship, we organize a final round, in which valuable prizes await the most skilled climbers.
Further Information about the 2. Round is here, application is here.
Köszönjük hogy ez alkalommal is ilyen sokan részt vettetek a versenyen! Várunk titeket a záró fordulóban is, a november 29. - december 1. hétvégén.