Pagács Beatrix

Pagács Beatrix

Thanks to my parents being active, nature, hiking, the. I have been doing sports since I was in kindergarten - ballet, gymnastics, RSG, dance - and I do now too.. I started climbing roughly 17-18 years ago, which became love at first sight. I became more and more immersed in the nature of climbing, both on rock, on artificial walls, on sport routes, bouldering and routes with several pitches  of rope. For me, climbing itself is a wonderful combination of movement coordination that can be compared to dancing.

In 2017, during several months of 'creative re-involving' spent on Gran Canaria, I realized that I wanted to pass on these many wonderful experiences, love for climbing, and experience to others.

What does climbing mean for me? It creates a community, brings wonderful friendships into life, makes you forget your daily worries (mental cleansing itself) and is one of the arts of movement.

Come and experience it yourself with me!

06 30 591 3937

Pagács Beatrix